Get Involved with University Sustainability’s Greenhouse & Gardens Program

There are a number of ways to get involved with University Sustainability’s Greenhouse & Gardens Program

Enjoy our FREE fresh produce and decorative flowers – we deliver!

  • Produce options include berries, tomatoes, lettuce, microgreens, and more!
  • Let us know a good time to bring produce drop-offs to your office this summer.

Visit the greenhouse and garden sites!

  • Review available volunteer opportunities on our University Sustainability Volunteer Portal and register to stop by for a visit, pick-up produce or learn how to grow food.
  • To schedule a group tour or visit, let us know your preferred date/time, and the anticipated number of participants.

Volunteer with us!

  • Create a free account on our University Sustainability Volunteer Portal and register for shifts.
  • Employees must receive prior approval from their supervisor to volunteer during work hours. Review full volunteering guidance for employees here.

The Greenhouse & Gardens Program invites you and your team to participate in our summertime staff/faculty engagement efforts. To view available volunteer opportunities, visit University Sustainability's website.

For questions, contact University Sustainability at To schedule a group tour or office visit Doni Nolan at