Important Information Regarding Your Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
The current plan year for the FSA plans will end on June 30, 2024. You will have 3-months (until September 30th) to file claims and submit documentation. This 3-month period is known as the runout period.
During the runout period you may not use your Inspira Health Care FSA Mastercard to pay claims for the previous plan year.
When your FSA account terminates (unless you reenrolled during the open enrollment period), the FSA Card is deactivated. You may still file claims online by choosing the “File a New Claim” feature on the Inspira website, and submitting your claim form and documentation.
If your account terminates before the end of the plan year, you have 3 months from the termination date to file claims and submit documentation.
When a new FSA Card is issued to a participant, all dependents with FSA Cards will also be issued a new card. Please contact Inspira when you no longer want a dependent to have access to your account so the dependent card can be deactivated.
How to Activate the FSA Mastercard
When activating the FSA Mastercard, the Inspira activation line asks for the last four digits of the employee’s ID# or SSN because Inspira’s system is hard coded for both. Our employees should use the last four digits of their Cardinal ID# without the trailing 2 zeros. For example, if the Cardinal ID is 00123456700, they should enter 4567 when activating their new FSA Mastercard.
If you have any questions about your FSA, please contact Inspira at 855-516-8595. If you have any questions about eligibility or enrolling in one of the FSA plans, contact