For a new employee, fully integrating at the department level takes time. One way to assist the new employee through the initial adjustment period is to provide them with a Team Mentor. The role of the Team Mentor is to serve as an informal point of contact for information about the new employee's position and department procedures and social norms. This important relationship supplements, not substitutes, regular interaction with the employee's supervisor. The affiliation with the Team Mentor helps the new employee to feel connected to the team sooner and creates a sense of inclusion, while providing them with support as they learn their new job.
Things to consider when identifying a Team Mentor:
- Has been employed more than one year (recommended)
- Has time or is given time to be accessible to the new employee
- Is a peer of the new employee
- Has patience, good communication, and interpersonal skills
- Is willing to be a Team Mentor
- Is a positive role model and is liked/respected by other employees
Team Mentor Functions
- Serve as an information source for the new employee on policies, procedures, expectations, norms in the department
- Help new employee identify resources
- Help to connect/introduce the new employee with others
- Be a lunch companion
- Help the new employee get to know campus