HR News

Pats for Patriots: Celebrating Kindness and Bringing Gratitude to Work

At the start of a semester and throughout the busy academic year, it's easy to overlook the simple yet profound acts of kindness that brighten our days. The workplace, often a hub of activity and collaboration, is the perfect setting to infuse a little extra warmth and appreciation. Pats for Patriots is a Mason Chooses Kindness initiative designed to recognize and show appreciation for a Mason colleague.  


Why Celebrate Kindness at Work?

Kindness is a universal language that transcends titles and positions. Each faculty and staff member contributes to the vibrant mission and vision of our university. Pats for Patriots offers a platform to recognize the often unnoticed, yet immensely impactful, acts of goodwill that occur daily among colleagues. These acts—whether it's helping a co-worker with a challenging task, offering a word of encouragement during a stressful moment, or simply sharing a genuine smile—create a workplace culture that thrives on compassion and camaraderie. 

When we acknowledge and celebrate kindness, we inspire others to do the same. The workplace becomes a hub of positive energy, where individuals feel valued and appreciated for both their work and their character, fostering an environment where collaboration, respect, and gratitude flourish. 


How Does Pats for Patriots Work?

Participating in Pats for Patriots is easy and rewarding. If you've been on the receiving end of a kind gesture or have observed one in action, all you need to do is submit a "pat" through the official submission form. These “Pats” are quick shout-outs that highlight the act of kindness and express gratitude for the positive impact it had. It's a simple yet powerful way to let someone know that their actions did not go unnoticed.   

Here are some of the most recent Pats for Patriots received around campus:

  • To Janine Ford, School of Business: “Thanks for always going above and beyond to make the Behavioral Tax Symposium a success and our guests feel like a family. You are the best!” – Anne Magro, Associate Professor, School of Business 
  • I just wanted to say thanks for being a great colleague throughout the first few weeks of August. It has been hectic, but I so appreciate having a great co-advisor in it with me!” – Anonymous 
  • Thank you so much for assisting at the Preamble Comedy Show.  You showed such attention and care for the students as they worked through Mason 360 check-in for the first time.  You helped make their experience a great one!” – Anonymous 
  • Thank you for organizing a comprehensive, exciting, fun, and inspiring event.  You did an awesome job, and the students are energized as a result of your work!” – Anonymous 
  • Thanks for your leadership, guidance, and support for quality online education at Mason!” – Anonymous


Remember to take a moment to celebrate the small acts that enrich our workplace environment. In addition to Pats for Patriots, check out the Recognition and Appreciation Toolkit! If you have questions, email