Talent Acquisition
Hiring Process Steps: Wage
Direct Hire
Please note that direct hire is permitted for wage positions. If you choose to conduct a competitive search and post the position, please refer to the guidelines below:
Before the Search Begins
Before the search begins, determine the need that exists within your department/unit and review compensation, classification, and wage to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date prior to posting the position.
Job Description
Please note that a position description for wage positions is not available. The details of the job description, including minimum and preferred qualifications, should be available within your unit. For more information, please contact classification and compensation team at workplan@gmu.edu.
When reviewing a position description, consider the following:
- Does this position already exist?
- What is the position's purpose and overall contribution to Mason?
- What are the essential and marginal functions of the position?
- What is the appropriate hourly rate for this position?
Also, consider identifying or describing the physical elements required for the position, equipment use and working conditions.
- What education and/or experience are needed to successfully accomplish the essential functions of the job?
- How might military experience equate?
- What licenses or certifications, if any, are required?
For any questions regarding a position description, please contact HR’s Classification and Compensation (Class & Comp) team at jobdescs@gmu.edu or visit the Classification and Compensation website for guidance.
Tip: We encourage position descriptions be reviewed annually to ensure they are accurate and true to Mason’s mission. For example, veteran candidates, who understand how their skills and experience can translate to the civilian workforce, are more likely to apply to our opportunities. As a position evolves over time, the position description will often evolve with it. Up-to-date position descriptions ensure that Mason attracts the most qualified candidates based on current data, both internal to Mason and the external market. In this spirit, please work with the Class & Comp team regarding position creation, modification, and annual review of your department’s position descriptions.
Job Compensation
The next step prior to advertising your vacancy is to evaluate and finalize your compensation.
Note: Please note that any rate above $50/hour must be reviewed and approved by the Class & Comp team. For any questions, please reach out to workplan@gmu.edu.
Job Card
After details of the position description and compensation are finalized, a job card needs to be created and approved for the position in PageUp to initiate recruitment. For more information about initiating recruitment through PageUp, please visit PageUp Resources.
Job Ad
The first step in a successful recruitment strategy is to create a compelling job ad. A well-written job ad is an advertisement that markets the job opening and draws interest in the position.
Your job ad must include:
- A job description
- Minimum qualifications in order to be considered
- A full consideration, apply by date or closing date for at least initial consideration
Wage positions can be closed at any time but are encouraged to remain open for a minimum of two weeks (or the equivalent of 10 business days).
For Wage positions, the pay rate should be provided for public review within the ad.
Note: Please add “commensurate with experience” after the range
Example: “$18-22/hr, commensurate with experience”
Tip: Pay data can be provided by candidates during the application process by electing to answer a prescreening question. Incorporating voluntary job-relevant questions can provide valuable data about a candidate upfront that can help you evaluate candidates more quickly. However, please note that it is prohibited to ask for a candidate’s current and/or past salary information.
Example: "What is your hourly rate expectation for this position?" (Open-ended question) "If the rate is lower than your expectations, do you still wish to be contacted regarding this position?"
For assistance on creating a compelling job ad, contact the Talent Acquisition (TA) team at jobs@gmu.edu. The TA team can assist in developing a strategic ad campaign with language that is relevant to your needs and a coordinated advertising campaign. They can help you develop a target campaign specific to your hiring grade, labor category, and niche market.
Strategic Budgeting and Timelines
What is your department’s realistic budget to source for a candidate? Do you have a flexible timeline to attract and retain a qualified candidate? If you're on a tight timeline, you may require more upfront advertising to attract candidates quickly. If you have flexibility and can afford a longer search, you can leverage a more balanced and calculated approach to see whom you attract. For many job openings at Mason, free advertising can be leveraged with minimal advertising expenses if a strategic and proactive plan is put in place.
Advertising Options
Job ads can be posted in various advertising mediums from print and online to social. While some positions may only need free advertising sites and posting on Mason-affiliated sites such as HERC and Higher Ed Jobs, others may require a much more thought-out marketing plan to draw the appropriate level of interest. In certain competitive markets such as Information Technology, STEM fields, and healthcare, it is strongly suggested that paid targeted advertising be used.
If you are unsure of what a strategic ad campaign that will generate the best chances of success will look like, consult with the TA department to determine your marketing goals and what a realistic campaign will consist of based on your unique needs. From there, you can determine budgeted cost and approximate time-to-fill.
Diversity Advertising
George Mason University prides itself on its diversity and the value this adds to our school. We provide several resources for ensuring that the hiring process includes a diverse pool of underrepresented candidates, whether to address identified search goals, or as a proactive component of a successful search process. For more information, contact Dwala Toombs, TA Outreach and Compliance Programs Manager, at dtoombs@gmu.edu.
Advertisements and job announcements make a difference in who applies for our positions. The language and appearance of our ads should be considered as carefully as the job description itself. For guidance on crafting the perfect advertisement, please contact the TA team at jobs@gmu.edu.
Note: All Mason job ads are automatically scraped to the following job boards: LinkedIn, HigherEdJobs, Chronicles of Higher Ed, Inside Higher Ed, Circa (and affiliated sites including Virginia Job Network), Diverse Issues in Higher Education, Indeed, Washington Post, ZipRecruiter, FlexJobs, Monster, DiversityJobs.com, Adzuna, Recruit.net, Trovit, MyJobHelper, Zippia, Diversejobs.net, and Oodle.
Before the Search
Search Committees / Search Participants
The use of a search committee is not required for wage positions However, before the search, your unit or department may determine to incorporate a search committee to ensure diversity of thought.
Note: Search committees must be comprised of at least three (3) members (Search Chair and at least two additional participants).
If utilizing a search committee, the unit/department is encouraged to include those who can add diversity to the committee and bring different perspectives to the group.
If a unit/department elects NOT to use a search committee:
- Search Committee Training remains mandatory for those involved in the search process.
- A search coordinator is still highly recommended.
- The process will be similar to that of a search committee, but with one or two individuals managing the review process prior to finalist interviews with the Hiring Authority.
- Documentation must still be completed and submitted at the end of the search process, including interview notes, selection matrix, closeout document, etc. for wage searches
Talent Acquisition recommends that searches adhere to the Certified Applicant Pool process, which supports Mason in meeting federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) requirements. For more information, review the Certified Applicant Pool Guide.
For additional details on Mason’s hiring policy related to Wage, please refer to University Policy 2224.
Hiring Authority's Involvement in the Search Process
For wage positions, Hiring Authorities/Managers are allowed to be directly involved in the search process without restrictions that apply to faculty or classified searches. It's important to note that they must have completed the current search training and the search confidentiality form before accessing the applicant pool.
During the Search Process
A competitive search must review all applicants equitably based on the required and preferred qualifications in the Position Description. All scheduled interviews must be completed before a final selection and job offer is made.
Reviewing Applicants
Each qualified application must be reviewed alongside the supplemental materials for that particular search. If candidates have not met the posting criteria or fail to attach the required materials, the committee reserves the right not to consider the applicant. This method must be applied to all applicants consistently. Creating a system for reviewing applications and resumes will help you improve your chances of including the most relevant candidates in your interview pool.
A selection matrix should be used for every competitive search. Please see this sample selection matrix to help your committee develop a matrix that is right for your search.
Once candidates have been screened, preference shall be given to state layoff employees, veterans, and alternative hiring process (AHP) applicants who have provided the AHP Letter, per DHRM policies 1.30, 2.10, and 2.2-1213. An additional preference point shall be given to any veteran applicant who has a service-related disability. State Layoff, Veteran, and AHP statuses are disclosed within the candidate’s application in the Applicant Tracking System.
Interview Documentation
During interviews, search participants and the hiring authority (if attending interviews) must take interview notes used in the evaluation of the selected candidates. It is strongly encouraged that an interview evaluation matrix is used that lists questions and documents evaluation criteria to ensure all candidates are equitably interviewed and evaluated. A sample interview evaluation is available for download here.
Search participants and hiring authorities involved in the search must submit all completed search materials, including the interview evaluation, selection matrix, confidentiality forms, reference checks, and any other documentation that may have been a part of the search to the department designee (search coordinator, HR liaison, etc.).
Interview Questions & Methods
It is required that search participants ask the same initial questions of all candidates, without exception. Follow-up questions are permissible. Interview questions must be written prior to the commencement of the interview process.
Furthermore, the interviewing method must remain consistent for every applicant and each candidate must be afforded equal opportunity to interview. This involves consistency in the attendance of interviewers and offering similar scheduling flexibility. The search teams should also explore alternative interviewing methods such as telephone or video conferencing.
For sample interview questions, please see Hiring Resources. For any further questions about interviewing, please contact the Talent Acquisition team at jobs@gmu.edu.
Selection of Candidates
If a competitive search was conducted, interviews are required. It's recommended that hiring teams conduct more than one round of interviews as it enables them to assess candidates from multiple perspectives, gain deeper insights, and make more informed decisions to select the best candidate.
Please note that interviewing a veteran or wounded warrior is no different than interviewing any other candidate. Questions relevant to experience or training received while in the military, or questions to determine eligibility for veteran's preference required by law, are acceptable. For more information, please contact Dwala Toombs, TA Outreach & Compliance Programs Manager, at dtoombs@gmu.edu.
Finalist interviews can be conducted in-person or via web conferencing alternatives for interviewing, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other approved online platforms. For updated guidance and requirements on interviewing via web conferencing platforms, please visit the ITS page: How to Conduct Web Conference Interviews.
Reference Check
Although encouraged, reference checks are not required for wage positions. If conducting reference checks, please utilize the feature in PageUp. The relevant job aid is available under recruitment action on the PageUp Resources page. If done manually, please utilize the Applicant Reference Check Form on the Forms page.
Note: The initiators should update application statuses throughout the search. For more information, please see recruitment action job aids on the PageUp Resources page.
Offer Card / Hiring Proposal
Offer Card (Hiring Proposal) is not needed for wage positions.
Offer Letter, MasonOnBoard & EPAF
All wage offers are managed by departments. It is recommended that the department provides a welcome letter to the candidate when extending an offer. The welcome letter template is available here.
After the offer letter is extended, all hiring paperwork through the MasonOnBoard must be submitted by the department designee for the Wage candidate. MasonOnBoard is the system of record for hiring paperwork for all employees. Once the new employee begins the completion of the onboarding packet, an appropriate EPAF must be submitted for hiring purposes.
Electronic Approval Actions Forms (EPAFs) are the way colleges, units, and departments submit temporary, non-benefitted assignments for employees. Temporary assignments include Non-student wage, Student wage, Work-study, Adjunct, Graduate Assistant, Resident Assistant, and Miscellaneous assignments.
If the newly hired employee is a current Mason employee, then the hiring paperwork through the MasonOnBoard does not have to be submitted by the department designee.
For additional information, please reference the Onboarding and EPAF Manual.
Recruitment Documents
As a competitive search process was utilized, all recruitment documents, including the interview notes, selection matrix, confidentiality forms, search completion forms, and any other documentation that may have been a part of the search (presentation rubrics, portfolios, etc.) must be kept for a minimum of three years from the date of hire within the department.
After the three-year mark, it is recommended departments send the documents to Records Management for confidential destruction. In addition, departments are strongly encouraged to upload the documents in PageUp for appropriate filing of historical records of the search process.
For instructions on how to upload documents, please see the PageUp User Guide. Acceptable file formats include doc, .docx, .docm, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .xlsm, and .xlsx.
Background Checks
Mason requires background checks on all employees. Background checks include criminal, motor vehicle, and/or financial history and any additional background related to potential job duties.
Background checks are initiated once the employee begins completing their personal information in MasonOnBoard. Employment is contingent upon the successful completion of all required background checks, which must be completed before the employee's start date. Please visit the Background Investigation policy page or email bkground@gmu.edu for additional information.
Finalizing the Hiring Process
New employees must complete required paperwork online, including but not limited to: W-4/VA-4, Form I-9, benefit forms, selective service, etc. The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires new employees to complete the I-9 no later than the close of business on their third (3rd) day of work. The employee OR a designated representative must complete section 2 of the Form I-9, either in-person by visiting Human Resources or remotely.
Please contact hr@gmu.edu with any questions.