Attend a Hybrid Retirement Plan Webinar

The quarterly Hybrid Plan Features and Benefits virtual presentation will be held on Monday, May 20.

MissionSquare Retirement is hosting a series of retirement webinars to review the Hybrid Retirement Plan including features, benefits and investment options, and virtual one-on-one appointments.

Hybrid Retirement Plan: Features and Benefits

What is the hybrid plan? What's the difference between the defined benefit and defined contribution components? Join us as we review all components of the Hybrid Retirement Plan; we’ll discuss the different types of contributions, distributions and managing the plans.

VRS Defined Contribution Plans Investment Options

Do you find investing confusing? Learn about asset classes, diversification and the investment paths available to you. This session relates to the Defined Contribution Component of the Hybrid Retirement Plan and all other VRS Defined Contribution Plans.

Individual Appointments

Need assistance? Sign-up for a 30-minute virtual one-on-one with a Defined Contribution Plans Retirement Specialist. Hybrid Retirement Plan members as well as participants in other VRS Defined Contribution Plans are welcome to reserve an individual appointment.

If you have questions, contact MissionSquare support.