Supervisor's Guide to National Student Employee Appreciation Week

Every year, the second full week of April presents a special opportunity to honor and celebrate the achievements of our student employees nationwide. As supervisors, this is an ideal moment to express gratitude for the invaluable contributions of each working learner within our university community.

In honor of Student Employee Appreciation Week, our partners in Career Services shared some ideas for recognizing student employees. Feel free to explore these suggestions or come up with your own unique ways to show appreciation!

Certificate of Appreciation: Customize these certificates with your student's name and your department's details to present them with a personalized token of appreciation.

Candy Grams: Add a touch of sweetness to your appreciation by crafting personalized candy grams. Include a few pieces of candy along with a note of gratitude for your student employees.

Office Decorations: Spruce up your office doors or bulletin boards with stickers, post-its, or memes to convey your appreciation to your student employees in a fun and memorable way.

De-stress Break: Offer your student employees a brief break to unwind and de-stress. Provide them with coloring pages and snacks to help them relax and recharge.

Social Media Shoutouts: Showcase your student employees on your department's social media pages with a brief introduction highlighting their role and expressing gratitude for their hard work and dedication.

Thank You Cards: Send handwritten thank you cards to your student employees, or utilize pre-written cards to express your appreciation for their efforts.

Shift Coverage: Offer to cover an hour of your student employee's shift to provide them with some extra time off.

Personal Appreciation: Take a moment to personally thank your student employees by shaking their hand, making eye contact, and offering a genuine smile.

For details on recognizing student employees with gift cards and Mason Flair items explore our Informal Recognition webpage. For more ideas on how to appreciate your student employees, check out our Recognition & Appreciation Toolkit.

Thank you for your commitment to recognizing and celebrating the contributions of our student employees during National Student Employee Appreciation Week!